group | private | combined


Fast Forward Language Institute offers group and private general language instruction, from absolute beginner to advanced levels. Portuguese Language exam prep courses are also available.Upon arrival, students take a placement test to determine their level of fluency, and also decide which cultural programs they would like to participate in. Fast Forward Language Institute also offers Bildungsurlaub for German employees as well as University Credits for American students.

Apart from our carefully selected standard teaching materials, Fast Forward Language Institute boasts a large variety of modern teaching resources and equipment. Computers, CD’s and videos are among the aids used in everyday courses as well as sessions devoted to culture, regional studies, literature and business. Use of the multimedia library and our computer facilities is a good way of adding to and reinforcing the skills acquired from class work.

We believe it is important to vary the teaching methods used in our Portuguese courses as much as possible. Every group and person is different, thus our teachers use an individual approach and flexibly adapt their teaching methods to the students’ respective learning needs. We supplement various course books with original teaching materials such as newspaper and magazine articles, audio/visual materials and activities inside and outside of class. One of our fundamental principles is to ensure a maximum of spoken communication. Students are encouraged to practice spoken Portuguese in real-life situations, with the teacher, and with other participants, in pairs and groups. Many activities outside of school are created with this idea of oral communication as well.


Offered for beginners, advanced, and professionals with specific needs. Classes start any Monday, and are held Monday through Friday.


Offered for beginners, advanced, and professionals with specific needs. Classes start any Monday, and are held Monday through Friday.


Offered for beginners, advanced, and professionals with specific needs. Classes start any Monday, and are held Monday through Friday.